

We do our very best to fulfill your order within 24 hours of being placed! Order processing generally takes 1-2 business days. Once fulfilled, we will email you your tracking number. Occasionally, some of your items will be shipped separately. In this case, separate tracking numbers will be provided. All orders are shipped via USPS. Please provide an address that is deliverable by the USPS.  

Please note, orders and emails placed between Fridays 12:00pm PST through Sunday, as well as holidays, will be processed on the following business day. 

Domestic Shipping within the United States 
All domestic orders are shipped via USPS. On larger and/or heavier items, you may be contacted for changes in shipping prices


Please note: We strongly recommend shipping via USPS Priority. 
The First Class Shipping option does not include insurance on the products being shipped. Please choose this option at your own risk. If your package is lost or your items are damaged we do not offer refunds and/or replacements if shipped via First Class Mail.